
What is Horse assisted Coaching?

Horse assisted Coaching harnesses the unbiased feedback from horses to propel you towards your objectives. Horses are profoundly present creatures, focusing on the here and now without fixation on past or future, attire, or occupation. They exist in the moment.

As prey animals, horses continuously respond to their surroundings, seeking safety and connection. Highly attuned to our emotions and energy, horses naturally inspire self-awareness, a pivotal catalyst for positive transformations in our lives. 

What can Equine-Guided Coaching assist with? 
Feeling stagnant? Contemplating significant decisions? Navigating life transitions? Feeling adrift? Misplaced your intuition or ability to establish boundaries? 

Horse assisted Coaching serves as a conduit for pinpointing obstacles and formulating strategies for advancement. It revolves around your journey toward self-realization. It entails dissecting the overarching vision into manageable segments while uncovering your inner resilience along the way. 

Throughout this voyage, the horse and I serve as sounding boards, reality checks, supportive allies in pursuit of your aspirations, and catalysts for personal growth.

Horse assisted coaching sessions are offered in German and English by Anne and in English and Dutch by Sakshin.

What Horse assisted Coaching is NOT 
• It is not therapy. Our focus remains firmly anchored in the present moment and goal attainment. 
• It is not about dispensing advice. My insights derive from my personal journey and may not always align with yours. Instead, I facilitate your self-discovery through targeted inquiries. 
• It is not centered on horseback riding. Rather, it revolves around fostering a symbiotic relationship with the horse and engaging in equine experiential exercises conducive to your progress. 

What to expect from Horse assisted Coaching 
  • Heightened self-awareness translating into genuine actions 
  • Stronger self-confidence impacting boundary setting and your ability to make tough choices
  • Expanded toolkit of coping mechanisms for navigating challenges with composure 
  • Augmented trust in your instincts, intuition, and choices.
  • A deeper sense of tranquillity, paving the path to joy


“I had a magical time at the state of being farm. Sakshin is a kind human being, also relaxed and bearing wisdom, much like his horses. From the first moment on, I felt a deep sense of trust in me that I could drop my barriers and let everything go. If you are open for an encounter that might change and teach you, you will have a wonderful time and not one penny is wasted.
- Svenja
Dear Sakshin, I left your place with a weight having lifted off my shoulders and much clarity, confidence and strength building up in me. The lesson I learned with you was the one that I needed.
-Svenja 2
Horse assisted Coaching
If you are ready for a jump into your future wellbeing ...